
I mentioned in my most recent (and first!) post that practicing tai chi that night “resonated particularly well” with when I practiced tai chi the night before my sister’s wedding last summer. What I hadn’t realized is that the two practice sessions were almost exactly one year apart; my sister and her husband celebrated their first anniversary today. I can’t help but wonder if the near-identical position of the Earth in relation to the sun had anything to do with that resonance or if it was merely coincidental.

On my way to work yesterday evening I ran into a girl I hadn’t seen in years who was having a day full of strange but happy coincidences; for instance, she found an earring in a free pile that matched another single she already owned right after running into me. Immediately after that, she noticed someone in a grocery store wearing the same Cambodian shirt that I’d been wearing during our conversation in a different color. She saw me again later in the night, unexpectedly, at a fancy dress party I showed up to after work. I was then wearing a suit that my sister and brother-in-law gave to me as the officiant of their small family wedding the year before. The two of them happened to be in town yesterday as well, and between my two random meetings with this girl (who is the only former college classmate I know of also interested in Oriental Medicine), they stopped in to eat at the sushi restaurant at which I work.

None of these coincidences was particularly astonishing, and actually even the most astonishing coincidences are not actually surprising from a statistical point of view. This doesn’t change the fact that (irrational as it may be) experiencing coincidences often gives you a feeling of bewilderment, special significance, or wonder and can thus change the way that you behave or think. Which leads me to one of my favorite quotations:

“Perhaps all mystical experience is a form of coincidence. Or vice versa, of course.”
-George, from Tom Stoppard’s Jumpers.

That’s all. Just a quick post to keep things going, and more to come. : )

One thought on “Coincidences

  1. You’re sounding more like George all the time, philosophically speaking (I see no resemblance in your personal lives or mental states, thankfully). You are sounding more and more like someone who believes in things, a far cry from our anti-realist zenith (or nadir, depending on how you look at it). I fully support anything that brings meaning to people’s lives, so keep on believing.

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